More Internet searchers tend to prefer using longer keyword phrases when doing searches on search engines. Most people use 2 word keyword phrases in search engines. Searches on 3 word keyword phrases have slightly increased from July 2005 to July 2006 (See below, a report from From a year ago, searches on 1 and 2 word keyword phrases have dropped. Searches on keyword phrases with 5, 6 and 7 words have increased.
July 2006
- 2 word phrases 28.91%
- 3 word phrase 27.85%
- 4 word phrases 17.11%
- 1 word phrases 11.43%
- 5 word phrases 8.25%
- 6 word phrases 3.68%
- 7 word phrases 1.59%
July 2005
- 2 word phrases 29.60%
- 3 word phrase 27.55%
- 4 word phrases 16.21%
- 1 word phrases 13.42%
- 5 word phrases 7.58%
- 6 word phrases 3.21%
- 7 word phrases 1.34%
More searches seem to know that by increasing the number of words in their search queries, they can better filter their search results.
It has always been important for PPC experts to know what kind of keywords (or keyword phrases) they have to use to drive more traffic to a site. Knowing the searchers are more like to search with a 3 word keyword phrase than a 1 word keyword phrase certainly makes a difference in how to optimize a PPC campaign.